DIVA Administration

How to manage your system and keep it running smoothly.

Restore a deleted project

You can restore a whole project, even if it has been deleted. You cannot restore individual bins from a deleted project, only the complete project.

As you complete each step you will see a summary of the decisions you have made. You can click Cancel at most steps to go back and adjust your decisions.

1. Select the project to restore

You first need to select the project which you want to restore.

Select the project
Select the drive, include deleted projects, then select the project to restore.
  1. From DIVA Fusion’s System menu, click Restore Backup.

  2. Select the Drive where the project is stored.

  3. Check Include deleted projects.

  4. Select the Project to restore. Deleted projects will have Deleted in brackets after the project name, with the date it was deleted.

  5. Click Continue

2. Select the version to restore

Now you choose at what point in time you want to restore the project from.

Select the versions
Select the version.
  1. From the dropdown, choose the backup version to restore.

  2. Click Continue.

3. Rename the project

If the drive you are restoring the project to already has a project of the same name, you’ll be prompted to give the project you are restoring a new name.

If there is no naming conflict, you will not see this step, and you can skip straight to step 4.

By default RESTORE is appended to the project name.

Set the project name
Set a new name for the project you are restoring if there is a conflict.
  1. Type a new name for the project you are restoring.

  2. Click Continue.

  3. If that project name is already in use on the drive you will be prompted to change it again, repeating step 3.1.

4. Share the project

You can choose to either share the project with all users on the restore drive, or keep it private and restore it to just one user.

Share the project
Share the project or keep it private to a user.
  1. To give all users access to the project, select Share the project.

  2. To give just one user access to the project, select Keep private.

  3. Click Continue.

If you decided to share the project, continue with step 5 below.

If you decided to keep the project private, continue to step 7.

5. Move bins to unprotected or users

You can choose to move every bin into unprotected, or allocate them to specific users based on what user had the bin before.

Move the bins
Either move all bins to unprotected, or give them to specific users.

When moving all the bins to unprotected, they are restored to either a private or shared subfolder based on where they were before, and then in a folder of the original bin owners name. Any original subfolder structure is also applied.

When moving the bins to specific users, shared bins are placed in the new owners shared folder, and private bins are placed in a private sub-folder which is created in the new users folder.

  1. To move all bins to unprotected, select Move to unprotected.

  2. Or to move bins to specific users, select Leave with users.

  3. Click Continue.

If you are moving all the bins to unprotected, skip to step 8.

If you are leaving the bins with users, continue with step 6 below.

6. Reassign bins to users

If some of the original users who had access to the project no longer exist, or don’t have access to the drive where the project is being restored, you will be prompted to reassign the bins.

If you do not see the Reassign bins step, skip to step 8.

Reassign bins
Set what users to move bins.

You are presented with a table of the original users who had access to the project.

  1. For each original user, set what current user you want to assign their bins to. You can also choose to move a specific users bins to unprotected.

  2. Click Continue.

Continue on to step 8.

7. Select the private user

If you are restoring the project privately to a user you need choose a user.

Select user
Select a user to restore the project to.
  1. From the dropdown select the user to restore the project to.

  2. Click Continue.

Tip You can share the project later like any normal project.

Continue to step 8 below.

8. Start the restore

Check over all the restore settings you have choosen.

If you are happy with the decisions, click Start Restore. You will then see confirmation that your restore job has been scheduled.

Or you can click Cancel to work your way back through the steps to change any of your decisions.