DIVA Administration

How to manage your system and keep it running smoothly.

About events

Events are displayed in the event log.

To display the event log, on the Fusion menu, click System, then click Event Log.

Event log
Recent events that are active

Within five minutes of an event, a notification of the event is emailed to whoever is set up to receive the notification, e.g. any Fusion Administrator.

Event log
Event notification email

In addition, further notifications of active events are emailed:

  • half an hour after the event started
  • one hour after the event started
  • six hours wafter the event started, and
  • 24 hours after the event started.

Active events

Active events are displayed on the Active tab of the event log.

Active events
Click an event to view it's details.

Clicking the event (above) displays the event’s record (below).

Event details
Event details.

Acknowledged events

By acknowledging an event, email notifications about the event will not be sent. Acknowledged events may still need to be resolved. Once acknowledged, the event is displayed on the Acknowledged Tab.

Acknowledged events
List of acknowledged events.

Clicking the event (above) displays the event’s record (below).

Acknowledged event
An event with an acknowledged history.

Ended events

Five minutes after an event is resolved, the event is displayed under the Ended tab.

Ended events
List of ended events.

Clicking the event (above) displays the event’s record (below).

Ended events
An event which has ended.